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THE HOW.....
We have put together two levels of care packs that will make any resident or patient feel loved. To have something of their own will make them feel more at home. These packs can be part of your company's offering or available to patients or family's to purchase. All you need is a few packs in stock to make this achievable.
THE WHY.....
Our care packs idea started from a personal experience following a family member being admitted to a rehabilitation centre at short notice. They had no personal belongings and no family close enough to help. This was upsetting for both the family and the patient at a time that is already stressful.
Our toiletry pouches are wipeable and patients names can be written clearly on the front. Packs will be different colours depending on what package is chosen. We can supply larger drawstring bags that patients can use for clothes as well as toiletries. These can be branded if required.
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